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About Us


HAPPY DANCE is a Dance Programme for the young at heart, who enjoy dance and music
(and a coffee after class!)


After not being able to keep up in Gold Zumba, along with a few others on the back row, but not quite being ready to dance from a chair, I realised there was a huge gap in the market for fit people like me!

HAPPY DANCE is for 50 year young plus, who wish to keep fit and motivated.  Dancing for 45 minutes is just the best way to exercise. We stretch, balance, use our co-ordination and memories for short routines.  We dance to pop songs from the 20’s right up to the present day.  
I have people in their 50’s and one lady is 93!  It is a real tonic!

HAPPY DANCE has been running for three years now (including via Zoom when in lockdown) and the coffee after class is, for some, as important as the class. I started with three classes and 5 members, and now I run six classes and have over 90 members.




A positive outlook and enjoyment of dance and music.

We do get warm as our heart rate in class increases.  Therefore a jumper you can remove, a drink of water, and soft soled shoes are all important.  Ability is not an issue as we all work within our own fitness levels.   Members have reduced their cholesterol.  Lost weight.  Improved their fitness levels. Made new friends.  Three ladies who met through HAPPY DANCE are now going to Tenerife together.  

Everyone always feels happier after HAPPY DANCE. What’s not to like?

Come and give HAPPY DANCE a go!

Call Jane on 07900 430448


Or email ""

When and Where




9.30am - 10.15am at  Darley,

Christ Church Community Centre


12.00pm - 12.45pm at Ripon,

Upstages Academy, Market Square



9.30am - 10.15am  Ripley,

Hotel de Ville

11.45 - 12:30   Harrogate,
St Roberts Centre (opposite Waitrose)


2.00pm - 2.45pm Knaresborough,

Calcutt & Forest Moor Village Hall




9.30am - 10.15am Ripley,

Hotel de Ville

11.15am - 12.00pm Ripon,

Upstage Academy, Market Square

After class those who wish go for a coffee/tea/hot chocolate (with or without marsh mallows) and chat and laugh. Boy do we giggle! Sometimes we have a light lunch.  We make friends with likeminded people and enjoy reminiscing about our old fashioned values!  


Pay at the door - £8.50 for a session


Pre-pay for 4 sessions - £30.00
                               Pre-pay for 8 sessions - £52.00  (two classes a week)


We accept cash, bank transfers and cheques.

For any queries at all please call Jane on 07900 430448 or email me on



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My name is Jane Waring and I have over 30 years’ experience teaching dance.  I am a qualified RAD ballet teacher, choreographer, and am trained in supporting people living with dementia to dance.


I founded HAPPY DANCE three years ago. It is a fun dance programme which combats loneliness and promotes the well-being and self-esteem of older people within our community.  It is for the “retired who are not yet tired”.


I saw the opportunity to bring older people together to remember music and dance from the decades and I have choreographed routines for all fitness levels to ensure everyone attending is able to participate and enjoy the freedom of dance.


HAPPY DANCE, I believe, is a genuine feel-good activity with all the necessary benefits mentioned above.  



Jennifer - "Such a tonic.  The one hour I can forget the stresses"


Pat - "This is the best hour of the week for me",


Chris - "My cholesterol levels have dropped, the only thing I am doing differently is HAPPY DANCE".


Janet - "Jane you don’t know what a difference you have made".


John - "The best way to start the day.  My knees and I have never felt better".

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